im no noob. im no mute. im xtenias the shadow gnome from the shadows who walks in the nonlight places, such us shadows and dark hidden corners, and stuff.... and this is my true story.:
i was born , then i grow up a fine short gnome. every1 send me postcarts for gratz and i reply in all of them by killing them dead, until they die!!! i knew my time will finaly come and i ll rule all eternia, but some other dude stole my plans for my eeeevil masterplan, and gone in the wind. 'couse my friends, all we are, is dust in the wind.... oh yeas ,believe it, i speak the truth!!!
then i had an idea, to kill my self with toothpics, never worked, im still trying thow. One day, as i was eating a watermelom, without the water(i wasnt thirsty),i had another idea. to kill my self with toothpics, couse i buy alot for the last idea. ohh , no good my friends, i was cursed ,by a holy palladin i think.
then on mornig ....ALL HELL BROKE LOOSE...and all alone i was lonly with my self and i, and grab my twin spiral daggers and killed the monster. exp was flowting in the thin air and reputation aswell. so happy finaly. i can rest me bloody soul now.....
or not...???